Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catching up in February

Dad, Dennis and Jayden
Dennis awarding John the Mentor Pin

The New Year has brought fun and exciting changes! I was called as the Young Women President in Church and so far, I am loving the responsibility and the girls are such a tremendous example to me. Now that I have my counselors in place, we’re preparing for the year’s activities and girls camp—which I’ll be going to!!! A week of camping in the mountains with teenagers…AWESOME!!!

As a family, we have redirected our focus to follow more closely the “Law of Attraction”, or in biblical terms, “Law of the Harvest”; focusing on righteous attraction of prosperity and abundance. No negative thoughts, words or actions. It’s amazing to see the results already as we maintain an attitude of gratitude for all that the Lord has blessed us with. Miracles and life lessons have come to us and there’s no worry or fear of the future, but a sure knowledge that the Lord is in charge and knows the desires of our hearts.

John was given a wonderful honor by a young Eagle Scout that he taught over the years. Dennis Christiansen presented him with the "Mentor Pin" at his court of honor. Quite an honor for dad!!!

John’s had some health challenges this winter—thought we were looking at a heart attack but after a short hospital stay, that’s inconclusive. So now we’re on to exploring other options. Thank God for nitro tablets. We’re spending lots of time with the grandkids and treasuring those moments.

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