Sunday, December 28, 2008


Okay...that was nice. Now I'm ready for spring!
Breck hanging out with Uncle Jayden
Mom (and Sam) made Jayden a new piano bench
Mom got a "feminine" knife to go on her key chain
Jayden made Dad a cedar box for his new toy
These two were banned to the livingroom for being so goofy
What a beautiful family

I was dreaming of a white Christmas! Oh, wait...I'm not dreaming. The snow put a damper on our Christmas plans. We were so hoping for Jehkiah to come for the holidays-he started out and ended up turning back after several hours on the highway. We were all so disappointed. It just wasn't worth the chance. The roads were horrible. Karen, Travis and their crew came for Christmas dinner along with Jonbrock, Sheri and little Zoey. I fixed my first primerib (thanks to Travis for helping) and we had more desserts than should be allowed in one house at a time! Santa brought me a new camera!!! It was a fun day. Josten showed up with little Breck on the following Saturday and we had a blast. What a kick in the pants that boy is! He carries on quite a debate with Papa and has grandma wrapped around his finger.