Saturday, July 24, 2010

Canoeing at Jubilee

Jayden lovin' the success
Dad caught the big one of the day!
Jayden started a fire with his flint & steel
He got it going pretty good
Mom and Jayden

Even though Mom had surgery on her shoulder, we headed up to Jubilee to spend some family time together. Jayden and Dad brought in some awesome trout. I think Mom caught a couple but mainly, she just stayed "medicated" and relaxed on the canoe. We laughed so much while out on the lake--just really loving our time together. We've found we like camping better on the backside of the lake in the primitive section so we haul in our own water and use the tailgate for our cooking space. It's so much quieter and private. The weather was beautiful, lake calm and serene. It was a pretty magical weekend and of course, topped it off with blizzards at DQ.

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