I didn't realize I could be so close to heart failure as I was yesterday. We were getting ready to head up to the mountains--Packwood to do some serious yard sale/flea marketing when Jayden came running down the stairs and out the front door yelling and in quite a panic. He wasn't hysterical just extremely serious and told me that he'd just cut his leg with his new knife. (Apparently, he slipped with the knife in his hand and when his leg went under him, his hand holding the knife plunged right into it.) I ran out to the front porch to look at it and about lost my mind. He had a gaping hole on his right calf. I threw the dishtowel over it, told Jayden to press on it so I could go get the car keys. On the way to the hospital I called John's cell (he was on his way home from an early fishing day) and told him to meet me at emergency. The funny thing was, Jayden was calming me down. "Mom, it's okay. Just get me to the hospital." I was flipping out of my mind...this is my baby! What a trooper he is...such a level headed kid. Now he has a cool scar to show off...ha! The doctor said he'd cut right through the muscle and has to be on crutches for a few days. He had to have 14 stitches-5 of which holds the muscle together. What an emotional day but a great lesson for Jayden. When one seemingly simple choice can turn your life into a different direction. Although it was an accident, he's still learning to treat knifes, guns, etc. with a little more respect.
Jayden's scar
14 stitches and proud of 'em
You can see how far the knife went into his leg
A tired, hurting boy